The International Democracy’s Library Team Came Together for Presentations, Discussion, and a Workshop About Gov Docs (3.16.23)

Let’s Build It Together!


On March 16, 2023, the Internet Archive hosted the “Democracy’s Library Workshop: Community Collaboration.” This event marked the first public presentation and discussion of the Democracy’s Library Project since its inauguration at the 2022 Annual Event, following several months of research, supported by the Filecoin Foundation, from November 2022 to February 2023. The presentation, a collaboration between Internet Archive staff and a visiting government official, aims to preserve government information and make it much more meaningfully accessible to the public. The event was live-streamed and can be viewed at the provided video link.

Presentation includes:

  • Brewster Kahhale, founder of The Internet Archive, providing an introduction and discussing why we need to “Build Our Collections Together.”
  • Scott Matheson, Superintendent of Documents at the GPO, who oversees the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information gives a brief update from GPO.
  • Andrea Mills, Executive Director of Internet Archive Canada, discussing the incredible progress made in Canada working with their foundational partner, the University of Toronto, in digitizing government information. 
  • Jamie Joyce,  leading the Democracy’s Library initiative at Internet Archive in the U.S., reporting on the U.S. landscape analysis and stakeholder interviews.

To librarians and archivists: please know we are still collecting feedback from government information professionals. So if you are a librarian or archivist, we would love to hear from your experience. If you’re interested in sharing, please fill out this survey.

See existing Democracy’s Library here: 

Also, In Case You Missed Them…Recommendations and Strategic Plans from the GPO: 

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